November 1988
CDMA cellular concept
November 1989
QUALCOMM proposes CDMA as a more efficient, higher-quality wireless technology
CDMA open demonstration conducted in San Diego
February 1990
NYNEX and QUALCOMM successfully demonstrate CDMA in New York City
QUALCOMM successfully performs large-scale capacity tests in San Diego
US West orders the first CDMA network equipment
CDMA soft handoff patent granted
CDMA IS-95A standard complete
CDMA is adopted by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) as a North American digital cellular standard
First commercial CDMA market trial
South Korea adopts CDMA
Sprint PCS adopts CDMA
CDMA standardized for U.S. PCS
First commercial launch of cdmaOne (Hutchison Telecom, Hong Kong)
QUALCOMM launches first commercial cdmaOne handset
cdmaOne is commercially launched in South Korea
PrimeCo launches cdmaOne in 14 U.S. cities (now Verizon Wireless)
CDMA Development Group (CDG) announces more than one million cdmaOne subscribers
IS-95B standard completed (including 64 kbps data transmission capability)
Commercial service available in 100 U.S. cities
CDMA chosen in Japan
TIA endorses CDMA2000 to be 3G solution for International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
LG Telecom launches first CDMA data services
CDMA2000 submitted to ITU as part of the IMT-2000 process for global 3G standards
More than 12.5 million cdmaOne subscribers in 30 countries
First 1xEV-DO demonstration
China Unicom joins CDG and announces plans for commercial services
83 CDMA operators in 35 countries
CDG announces CDMA is fastest growing mobile technology with nearly 42 million subscribers
CDMA2000 1X and WCDMA are selected as standards for 3G wireless by ITU
Japan's IDO and DDI start nationwide 64 kbps CDMA packet data service
DDI announces they will use CDMA2000 for 3G wireless service
IUSACELL becomes first Latin American operator to offer wireless Internet services
QUALCOMM, Samsung and Sprint PCS make first 3G CDMA2000 voice call
Lucent and QUALCOMM complete the first 153 kbps 3G CDMA2000 data call
QUALCOMM and Sprint commence U.S. trials for 3G CDMA2000 solution
SK Telecom launches world's first 3G CDMA2000 commercial service
More than 100 million CDMA subscribers globally
More than 22 million cdmaOne Internet and data users
CDMA2000 surpasses three million subscribers
QCT and Nortel Networks conduct industry's first mobile IP call
QCT, SchlumbergerSema and Samsung demonstrate CDMA/GSM roaming using R-UIM-enabled CDMA handsets
KDDI announces successful completion of CDMA2000 1xEV-DO trial with QUALCOMM, Hitachi, Sony and Kyocera
Telesp Cellular in Brazil is first Latin American operator to deploy 3G CDMA2000
Romania launches world's first CDMA2000 network at 450 MHz (CDMA450)
CDMA2000 1xEV-DO is recognized as a 3G standard by the ITU
3G CDMA subscribers surpass 27 million
China Unicom launches nationwide cdmaOne network in China
SK Telecom launches CDMA2000 1xEV-DO in South Korea
14 countries launch commercial CDMA2000 services (Australia, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, India, Israel, Japan, Moldova, New Zealand, Panama, Russia, United States and Venezuela)
First chipset is shipped enabling use of CDMA and GSM networks during travel
3G CDMA subscribers surpass 73 million
Cumulative shipment of CDMA chips surpass the one billion mark
Reliance begins deployment of a nationwide CDMA2000 network in India
China Unicom launches its nationwide CDMA2000 network
18 countries launch commercial CDMA2000 services (Argentina, Belarus, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, China, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Peru, Puerto Rico, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam)
Verizon Wireless begins nationwide CDMA2000 1xEV-DO deployment in the United States
KDDI launches CDMA2000 1xEV-DO in Japan
240.2 million CDMA subscribers worldwide
146.8 million CDMA2000 subscribers
CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Revision A approved by Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2)
Eurotel Praha (Czech Republic) launches world's first CDMA2000 1xEV-DO network at 450 MHz (CDMA450)
More than 200 million commercial CDMA2000 subscribers worldwide
143 CDMA2000 operators commercially deployed in 67 countries on 6 continents
950 CDMA2000 devices offered commercially since 2000
64 CDMA2000 device manufacturers
Number of commercial CDMA2000 1xEV-DO operators doubled from 16 to 29
Number of commercial CDMA450 operators increased to 31 in 22 countries
Average growth rate of nearly 4.9 CDMA2000 subscribers per month